The Price of Cookies is Out Into the World! A Novella in Flash by Finnian Burnett

I first came upon Finnian Burnett in the CBC CANADA WRITES Facebook group. Soon after I joined, Finnian was presenting an online workshop called Queering Your Writing: Creating Queer Characters with Authenticity. Clearly I was meant to take that course.

Finnian Burnett – author of THE PRICE OF COOKIES

Since I took that course, Finnian has had a novella published by Off Topic Publishing. My copy arrived this past Friday! After a hectic weekend that included the musical WICKED, and the incredible Mexican restaurant El Catrin in Toronto’s Distillery District, I finally sat down and read the first short in this collection of flash shorts.

After reading the two and a half page title story, The Price of Cookies, it’s clear to me that I’m going to love this book. All the emotions were evoked in those two and a half pages. If I didn’t hate the phrase so much, I might say, “I was shook!” Such a powerful opening! Wow.

All this to say, you should pick up The Price of Cookies! Finnian is an incredible writer. They captured me in the first page of this short collection.

I just read the second short, The Cookies Adam Can’t Eat. So powerful! I choked up…



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Just read The Taste of Grief, story number three. These are so intricately woven together. Flawless! Flash fiction allows such dexterity one wouldn’t necessarily get in a novel. The ping-ponging of viewpoints is captivating…how the thread of happenstance pulses through one life to another! What a ride!

Prior to its release, I had the pleasure of inflicting my Proustian Questionnaire onto Finnian. With grace, charm and wit, they agreed to answer my questions…

You can read A Proust(ish) Questionnaire with Finnian Burnett, Author of the Upcoming THE PRICE OF COOKIES by clicking here.

And now I just finished In the Principal’s Office. The way one moment of tragedy moves through a timeline and touches one person after another…loving this read! If I don’t slow down, I’ll soon be finished.

Take my word for it! You need THE PRICE OF COOKIES in your life. With only four shorts down, I have no idea if we ever discover the price of cookies…but I also know it’s a hefty life-changing price tag. Pick it up today, you won’t be disappointed.

Don’t forget to leave a rating and review on GOODREADS.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to read flash story number five…Mrs. Stanley’s Smile. I am HOOKED!

By Kevin Craig

Author, Poet, Playwright. Author of The Camino Club, Billions of Beautiful Hearts, and Book of Dreams, all from Duet Books, the LGBTQ Young Adult imprint of Chicago Review Press. Other books: Pride Must Be A Place, Half Dead & Fully Broken, Burn Baby Burn Baby, The Reasons, Sebastian's Poet, and Summer on Fire.

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